Guy Meets Girl Of Dreams On Tinder; Adds Her To Sex Roster
Shawn Carthy says he never expected to meet the girl of his dreams through a dating app.
“I sent my usual ‘I want to take you on a date to a magic show’ first text and she quickly responded with ‘Who’s your favorite magician? Mine’s Criss Angel. JK, it’s Jesus.’ After that I knew it was on,” Carthy told us when we met with him last Friday. The thirty year old Starbucks barista says his dating life has never been better since joining the app last summer. The app is said to mostly benefit men who report surging confidence after suddenly being able to land dates with women who would never have spoken to them in a real life setting. Lauren Rogers is one of those women. A self-described ten, she’s been sleeping with guys she meets on the app since January. “One of these days I’m going to sleep with the guy who’s right for me,” tweeted Rogers on a Twitter page that’s rarely updated and almost entirely dedicated to pictures of food from her Instagram feed. “I think it’s horrible,” says another female we spoke with who chose to remain nameless but who multiple sources agreed was an actual ten unlike Rogers who was more of an eight on a good day. “I get hit on by ugly guys constantly and it’s starting to affect my self worth. I used to sleep exclusively with men over six feet and last week I found myself on a date with a short guy. And the worst part is I actually liked him.” Carthy had a Tuesday opening so he met his dream girl at a bar. “Always after nine,” says Carthy. “If she sucks, you can hook up and mumble about something you have to do early the next day before kicking her out.” And if she’s cool, we asked? “You can hit it again in the morning and schedule a follow up the next week.” Carthy, however, quickly realized this new girl was not Tuesday material. “I bumped her to Fridays right away. That’s prime date night in a girl’s mind. Scheduling a girl for a night on the weekend lets her know she’s something special.” As for Shawn’s plans for the future with his new dream girl? “I could see myself with this girl a few months down the road. I might even ask her,” he looks around the restaurant before quietly finishing, “if she’s open to a threesome. That was never a possibility for me before Tinder.” “It's called ‘double booking’ and I do it all the time. It totally works,” said Shawn before heading off to meet a new match. |